Library Design
Revision 1.1
June 19, 2000
©Atlantis Scientific Inc.
GeoInnovations 1999
Scientific Inc.
20 Colonade Road, Suite 110
Nepean, Ontario K2E 7M6
This document describes the ``OpenEV'' library, which is a tool for interactive visualization of raster and vector data, with a particular emphasis on remotely sensed data and geographic datasets.
In summary, OpenEV is targeted at the following feature set:
The discussion begins with a description of how OpenEV fits in a broader environment, including third party libraries it relies on. The OpenEV architecture and class hierarchy is then summarized. This is followed by a more detailed description of the OpenEV undo system, data model and layer drawing model. Interactive systems, such as OpenEV tools and common user interface elements are described.
A familiarity with the concepts of computer graphics, and with OpenGL in particular, is assumed. The reader is referred to [1] for a general background of this subject.
The OpenEV library provides both C and Python language bindings. While the OpenEV C level library can be used as part of other specialized applications, it's main function is to participate in a broader environment of ``pluggable'' models. Python provides the glue to tie these modules together.
Figure 2.1 shows the OpenEV C library and PyOpenEV Python bindings in the broader context. The other pieces in this context are as follows:
OpenEV makes use of the GtkObjects hierarchy which provides a degree of object-orientation to the C language. The OpenEV classes are exposed to Python using a C to Python wrapper layer in a manner similar to the Gtk Python bindings (PyGtk)[2]. Figure 3.1 shows the highlights of the OpenEV class structure. The list of classes in the figure is representative, not exhaustive.
The GvViewArea is the principle drawing area widget exposed by the OpenEV library. This widget is typically embedded in a top level window. Any number of view areas may be active concurrently. Each view area normally has its own OpenGL context, and a set of GvLayers. When the view area receives an expose event, it activates its context and commands each layer to draw in turn. The set of layers are assigned a changeable drawing order, so that one layer may partially obscure another (i.e. it is drawn ``on top''). The view also maintains an ``active'' layer, which is the layer currently under edit by a tool.
The view area has a current transformation state (camera position and orientation), which it sets before drawing. In 2D mode the transformation state describes a top down orthographic view of the data, while in 3D the transformation state describes a perspective view with arbitrary orientation. The 3D view mode can be used to view either 3D or 2D data. Keyboard and mouse events are trapped by the view area which allow the user to modify the transformation state (e.g. pan, zoom, rotate).
Because each view area is provided with its own set of layers, two views can display a different ``interpretation'' of the same dataset. For instance, one view might display the magnitude of a complex interferogram, and another the phase of the same image. It is also possible that multiple views may share the same set of layers (and the same OpenGL context). These views always provide the same interpretation of the data, but may be displaying different parts of it.
A GvViewArea publishes the following signals (events):
GvData is an abstract class that provides some essential event handling and generic property mechanisms to data containers and layers. GvData instances are connected in a hierarchical parent-child relationship. These relationships are used to propagate data change events through the OpenEV system. Two signals, ``changing'' and ``changed'', are exposed by GvData to facilitate this propagation. Rules for state changes are as follows:
A GvData subclass can use the ``changed'' and ``child-changed'' event handlers to adjust their state to reflect the change that has occurred. Normally, the ``child-changed'' handler would pull state information from the child, and the ``changed'' handler would pull state information from the parent.
To illustrate change event handling, consider the example GvData hierarchy in figure 3.2. Here we have two layers showing different representations of the same set of points, one in UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection and one in LCC projection. The original dataset is in an LCC projection. An intermediate data set (UTM points) is created to cache the points after transformation to UTM.
Now consider the effect of a tool applied to the UTM points representation, which moves a point in UTM space. Prior to affecting the translation, the UTM points object sends a ``changing'' event to the LCC (Lambert Conformed Conic) point object, which emits a ``changing'' signal. This signal is trapped by the undo mechanism (see Chapter 4). After the change, a ``changed'' event is sent to the LCC points object. The ``child-changed'' handler of this object pulls the new location of the translated point from the UTM points object. The LCC points object repositions the point in LCC space and emits a ``changed'' signal. Both layers eventually trap this signal and force a redraw to display the change.
The GvData class also provides a mechanism to get and set state ``mementos'', which are used to facilitate undo and redo capabilities (see below).
GvLayer is an abstract class whose subclasses know how to draw a representation of a dataset using OpenGL commands. Most layers provide an adjustable internal state which effects the representation (e.g. colour of the lines in a line layer). The GvLayer class provides facilities to get the extents (bounding region) of the layer and change the visibility of the layer.
The GvLayer publishes the following signals:
The GvShapeLayer class provides a layer of abstraction to datasets containing shapes (vector data). This abstraction is used by certain tools which can operate on any kind of shape (such as the node editing tool).
The GvShapeLayer maintains a list of ``selected'' shapes and permits translate and delete operations on the currently selected shapes. Facilities for node manipulation (move, insert, delete) are provided. Functions to ``pick'' a shape or a node (determine which shape/node the mouse cursor is over) are provided.
The GvShapeLayer publishes the following signals, many of which are just intended to be caught by the derived layer to trigger an operation:
The classes GvShapes, and GvRaster (see 3.1) are examples of OpenEV data containers. These classes provide access to the data they contain, and may expose methods for modifying the data. Normally a GvLayer subclass points to a corresponding data container (e.g. GvRasterLayer points to a GvRaster instance).
The GvTool class is an abstract base class for OpenEV tools. Tools are used to interact with the user for the purpose of querying or manipulating datasets. When a tool is ``activated'' on a particular view area, it captures certain mouse and keyboard events that occur in the view window to provide this interaction. If a tool needs to draw in the view window, it traps the ``draw'' signal from a layer or from the view to trigger drawing.
OpenEV provides a flexible system for recording user interactions with datasets in order to provide undoable and redoable operations. For instance, if a user deletes a shape from a shape layer, an undo function is available to restore the shape. If an undo is performed, a redo function is available to delete the shape again.
The undo system (called GvUndo) maintains a stack of so-called data state ``mementos'', which contain enough information to reverse an operation on a dataset (a GvData object). Each GvData object wishing to employ the GvUndo must be registered with the system. GvUndo connects to the objects ``changing'' signal (thus only root level GvData objects should be registered). When this signal is received, GvUndo asks the GvData for a memento describing the change about to take place (essentially a snapshot of the current state), and pushes the memento onto the undo stack.
Mementos are opaque to GvUndo. Only the originating GvData object can interpret them. If an undo request is issued, a memento is popped off the stack and the memento is handed back to the GvData object to be used. The originating GvData object is also responsible for deleting the memento when the undo stack is cleared.
In some cases a tool may perform a function which is not undoable. The undo system may be temporarily ``closed'' for this purpose. When closed, GvUndo will ignore ``changing'' signals. Undoing may also be temporarily disabled by a tool in the middle of a complex operation. When disabled, GvUndo will ignore events that would pop mementos off the stack.
A separate redo stack is maintained by GvUndo. Before a memento is popped off the undo stack, a flag is set which temporarily puts GvUndo in ``redo mode''. When the GvData object makes a change as the result of the undo, it emits a ``changing'' signal which is trapped by GvUndo. A new memento is created, and since the redo mode flag is set, it is pushed onto the redo stack. If the user requests a redo operation, the memento at the top of the redo stack is used. Finally, once a new undoable operation is pushed onto the undo stack, the redo stack is cleared.
OpenEV is able to display a fairly diverse array of geographic datasets. The primitives in OpenEV are: point, polyline, area, and raster. Other primitives may be added in the future.
Geographic primitives have no knowledge of the coordinate system, projection or geographic datum to which their data is referenced. Such information is instead associated with the GvData container class in the from of an OpenGIS ``Well Known Text'' coordinate system descriptions.
The model used in OpenEV for vector data is based on the OGDI data model [3], and the OpenGIS ``Simple Features'' specification. The current data model is explicitly three dimensional.
Point, polylines are areas are all managed internally as GvShape objects, and held in a GvShapes container class.
All shapes have a properties list (GvProperties) which can be used to hold per-shape attributes useful for GIS applications. Drawing override information or other application or user specific data. There is no concept of a fixed container wide schema (set of attributes) applied for all shapes ... each shape can have an independent list of properties.
The GvShape object provides a unified interface to the points and rings in a shape for points, line and areas. Thus a point GvShape can be accessed as if it were an area with one ring containing only one point. The only way to determine the underlying type is to explicitly query it.
Note that currently GvShape's are not GtkObjects, in order to keep them as lightweight as possible. The following definitions are used internally for shape objects. The flags field is used to keep track of some display related information, and the GvAreaShape also contains a tesselated ``OpenGL ready'' form of the area for rapid display.
#define GVSHAPE_POINT 1 #define GVSHAPE_LINE 2 #define GVSHAPE_AREA 3 typedef struct { gint type; guint flags; GvProperties properties; } GvShape; typedef struct { gint type; guint flags; GvProperties properties; float x; float y; float z; } GvPointShape; typedef struct { gint type; guint flags; GvProperties properties; int num_nodes; float *xyz_nodes; } GvLineShape; typedef struct { gint type; guint flags; GvProperties properties; int num_rings; int *num_ring_nodes; float **xyz_ring_nodes; /* tesselation information */ gint fill_objects; /* -1 is untesselated, -2 is `do not tesselate' */ GArray *mode_offset; GArray *fill; } GvAreaShape;
The GvRaster class provides access to image data in tiles. Because image data size is potentially very large, GvRaster does not store the entire image in memory. Instead, it connects to a data input abstraction object provided by the GDAL Data I/O Library. This abstraction object may be connected to a memory buffer (in the case of an image in virtual memory) or to an image file, socket, etc. Since reading data from this object is potentially slow, GvRaster maintains a local cache of the image tiles. The maximum cache size is a parameter of GvRaster. When the cache size limit is reached, tiles in the cache are discarded on a least recently used (LRU) basis. The exact strategy for determining which tiles to discard will be tuned during the testing phase of the project.
GvRaster is also responsible for level of detail (LOD) reduction of
image tiles, also known as pyramiding. The LOD reduction
process is performed ``on-the-fly'' as each tile is loaded. LOD0 is
the full resolution data, with nominal tile dimensions (adjustable) of
pixels (maximum 512KB/tile). LOD1 through LODN are
generated by recursively applying a
box filter (4 pixel
average) and decimating by 2 in rows and columns. For example,
nominal tile dimensions for LOD1 through LOD3 are
(32kB), and
respectively. The process is stopped if the LOD being generated
already exists in the cache. Figure 5.1 illustrates the
LOD reduction process. The number of levels generated will be tuned during the
testing phase of the project.
Since the data contained in a GvRaster can take on a number of different types (integer or floating point, real or complex, different bit depth), and since either averaging, or decimation may be desired, there are a number of reduction kernels required. GvRaster switches to the right kernel at run time. Currently, an averaging algorithm is employed in computing LOD1 through LODN
In order to accelerate initial overview display, GDAL provides for access to pre-built levels of detail in source data files when available. A pyramid level can be attached to one or more LOD stages (see LOD3 in the figure). If the LOD3 file existed when the pipeline was constructed, it would be used to fill in the LOD3 and LOD4 caches without needing to read the full resolution image. Such persistent caches are only attached to lower LODs, where the total data size is relatively small (a few megabytes). Addition of a LOD file to the raster cache is the responsibility of the application, and can be either automatic, or triggered by user request.
The total available cache size is split evenly across each LOD, except the lowest LOD cache which should handle every tile in the image. Each LOD cache has a separate LRU list. Requests for a tile/LOD combination can be made in either blocking or non-blocking mode. In blocking mode, the tile/LOD will be loaded if it is not in the cache before the request completes. In non-blocking mode, the request always returns immediately to the calling function with one of the following status codes:
A GvMesh is a collection of points mapping a regular grid to arbitrary points in 2D or 3D space. It is used to guide a spatial warp for raster data. For instance, a slant-range SAR image may be projected ``on-the-fly'' to UTM space by precomputing the UTM coordinates of a sparse mesh of points, spaced regularly in image (slant-range) space. The mesh is used to generate triangle strips when texture mapping the image into place in UTM space.
Currently GvMesh objects are only used as a component of a GvRasterLayer. When a new GvRasterLayer is created (related to a particular GvRaster), a corresponding GvMesh is created. The output coordinates of the mesh are view georeferenced coordinates.
Initially the GvMesh is setup in identity form, mapping coordinates on the GvRaster to the pixel/line locations. Subsequently this may be transformed into georeferenced coordinates using an affine geotransform, or using a polynomial warp based on GCPs. If the GvViewArea is utilizing a different coordinate system (projection) than the GvRaster, then an additional pass is made to reproject the mesh coordinates into the desired projection.
In the 2D case, the mesh is a regular grid of vertex points which lie in a plane. By associating a third dimension to each vertex a 3D surface is created. The raster data is then ``projected'' onto the mesh surface using the same warping technique as was used to accomplish the 2D projection. The resulting mesh provides a correct warping of the raster data in all three dimensions.
Information for the third dimension is derived from a GvRaster layer which is coregistered with the reference space. Nominally such a layer contains elevation data, so the result is a tessellated, multi-resolution terrain model. The resulting mesh can be used for 3D visualization of terrain data in conjunction with a coregistered ``drape'' image.
Static content in the view window (i.e. not tool related as in Section 7) is drawn by layer objects. Normally layers draw a representation of a data container, but are not limited to this purpose. Other layer functions include such things as drawing grid lines, or displaying user provided annotation, such as text or legends.
Rasters are drawn using OpenGL's texture mapping capabilities. While not strictly required for 2D image drawing, texture mapping allows OpenEV to take advantage of the automatic warping, and interpolation features of OpenGL in order to provide continuous zoom levels, image rotation and reprojection, and extensions to 3D (e.g. draping over height fields).
Each GvRasterLayer connects to one or more GvRaster objects and a GvMesh object. The GvMesh is used to map image coordinates to the view space (see below). The GvRaster objects provide image data which is used to generate textures one tile at a time.
The GvRasterLayer maintains an internal cache of which textures are available. When a draw event is received, it computes which textures are required to draw the scene (a tile/LOD combination) and compares this to what is available in the cache. If the appropriate texture is not available, it attempts to find a lower resolution texture that covers the tile. If no other texture is found, the tile is not drawn.
Texture generation is driven asynchronously from the draw event (e.g. by an input idle event). A texture miss during a draw will schedule an asynchronous update. The update begins by generating a list of textures required for the current view and comparing this against the tile cache. Of the missing tile/LOD combinations, the ``best'' one to generate is chosen according to the following order of preference:
The texture generation method depends on the data type of the GvRaster layer. The layer switches to the appropriate method at run time.
User adjustable minimum and maximum values are used to scale and clamp each input value to an integer in the range 0-255. In the case of floating point data, values are first scaled and clamped from 0-1 and then passed through a fast float to int conversion function. In either case, the scaled values are used as unsigned bytes to create a GL_LUMINANCE texture.
Real data textures can be rendered in a variety of ways to achieve various effects. For example:
To translate complex (I&Q) values to an RGB tuple, a two dimensional look up table (LUT) is used. A user adjustable maximum magnitude parameter is used to determine a scaling factor:
The scaled sample cannot be clamped independently in I and Q, since this would modify the sample phase. A phase preserving clamping is performed to clip the sample to the LUT boundary (see figure 6.1):scale = 0.5 / max_mag;
The resulting I and Q are in the range [0,1], with phase preserved.I *= scale; Q *= scale; if (fabs(I) > 0.5) { Q *= 0.5 / fabs(I); I = 0.5 * sign(I); } if (fabs(Q) > 0.5) { I *= 0.5 / fabs(Q); Q = 0.5 * sign(Q); } I += 0.5; Q += 0.5;
After scaling, I and Q are converted to integers in the range
[0,255] using a fast float to integer conversion. They are then
applied as two indices to a 2D LUT. This can either be a
LUT, or a
LUT with bilinear interpolation over the
2 lowest order bits.
The LUT is generated to map I&Q into RGB by way of an HSV transform. At startup, the LUT maps phase angle into hue and complex magnitude into value (brightness). This mapping is adjustable by the user. For instance, phase can be mapped to value, with hue and saturation set to zero, to produce a gray scale phase image.
For each entry in the table, a floating point I and Q index is generated in the range [-1,1]. A phase angle from [0,1] is calculated using (atan2(Q,I) + PI) / (2*PI). A magnitude is calculated using sqrt(I*I + Q*Q) with values clamped to [0,1]. Floating point RGB is computed using an HSV to RGB transform. These are converted to integer [0,255] and placed in the LUT.
The GvShape objects are drawn using GL primitives suitable to the type of geometry. Various style parameters (colour, width, etc) are controlled by layer wide defaults stored as properties on the GvShapesLayer, and can be override on a per-shape basis by properties of the shapes.
GvPointShapes are drawn using a small cross symbol. The point cross size, and color are properties that can be specified at the layer, or shape level. Note that per-shape drawing overrides can incur substantial performance overhead.
Different symbols are drawn for points marked as ``selected''. The default symbol is a cross with a square around it.
Polylines are drawn using a GL_LINE_STRIP in a user selectable colour and line width. Selected lines have small squares drawn at each vertex (node) in the same colour (using GL_POINTS).
Since OpenGL cannot draw non-convex polygons, or polygons with holes, each GvAreaShape must be ``tessellated'' prior to drawing. That is, a set of triangles must be constructed that, when drawn together, make up the region described by the GvArea. The OpenGL GLU library tessellation routines are used for this purpose. When a new GvAreaShape is created, it is first checked for proper ring winding (clockwise or counterclockwise ordering of nodes), and then tessellated. The resulting triangles are stored with the GvAreaShape, in the fill_objects, mode_offset, and fill fields. Any modifications to the area result in a re-tessellation. An error encountered during tessellation indicates that GvArea is invalid (e.g. crossing or self-intersecting rings) and it is drawn without fill.
Areas are drawn using the filled triangles for the interior and a GL_LINE_LOOP for each ring (the region boundaries). Selected areas have an additional GL_POINTS drawn at each vertex. Edges, and fill can be different colors. In most cases the interior fill have a non-opaque alpha value applied, so that it does not completely obscure the layers below it.
Tools provide interactive dataset querying and editing capabilities to OpenEV. OpenEV's object oriented architecture makes it reasonably easy to add additional tools to OpenEV to support specific application requirements. This section describes some common tools.
The GvToolbox class provides a means of multiplexing several tools across multiple view areas. The toolbox maintains a list of registered view areas and tools. A particular tool can be ``activated'' by name. The toolbox traps pointer enter and pointer leave notification messages from the view areas. When the pointer enters a view window, the current tool is activated on that view. When it leaves, the tool is deactivated. The tool therefore needs only to know about one view at a time.
The toolbox is normally connected to a toolbar widget containing icons for all available tools.
The selection tool allows the user to change the current ``selected'' shape (point, line, area). Multiple shapes can be selected by dragging out a region (rubber-banding), or shift-clicking. Only shapes within the same layer can be selected this way.
Once selected, two operations can be performed on the shapes: delete and move (translate). The user deletes the selected shapes by pressing the delete key. Shapes are moved by clicking and dragging the mouse over one of the selected shapes.
The line tool is used to draw new lines or append to an existing line. The user clicks to start a new line, moves the mouse to the next node in the line, and clicks again to insert a node. The view state (pan, zoom, etc.) may be changed between clicks. After drawing the final node, the user right clicks to finish the line. While drawing, the delete key can be pressed to remove the last node drawn.
Existing lines can be extended by clicking on one of the end nodes of a line, and proceeding as above.
The area tool is used to draw new areas, or to insert holes in an existing area. To start a new area, the user proceeds in the same manner as drawing a line. Once the right mouse button is pressed, the area tool closes the loop (connects the last node to the first) and fills in the area.
To insert a hole in an existing area, the user clicks somewhere in the area's interior to insert the first node, and proceeds as above. The area's interior fill is disabled during hole drawing to aid in viewing layers under the area layer.
The node tool is used to add, delete or move nodes in an existing shape (line or area). The user first clicks on a shape to select it. To delete a node, the user clicks on the node to highlight it (denoted by an oversized vertex marker), and presses the delete button. Nodes are moved by clicking and dragging them. New nodes are inserted by clicking on a line segment between two nodes.
When moving a node belonging to an area, the area's interior fill is disabled to aid in viewing layers under the area layer.
The point query tool is used to identify the view space coordinates of locations in the view, to query the value of a raster layer, and to measure distances between locations in a view. Optionally, raster layer ``row and column'' coordinates can be displayed. When first invoked, the point query tool creates a temporary point query layer and attaches it to the view area. Subsequent invocations will use the same layer.
The user clicks to insert a new query point in the layer. The point is marked with an identifying symbol, accompanied by a small amount of text which gives the coordinates of the point. If a raster layer is currently selected in the view area, the value of the raster at that point is also displayed. The point can be moved by clicking and dragging. The coordinates and raster value are updated as the point is moved.
The user can Ctrl-click over a query point to begin dragging out a query second point. A line is drawn between the two points. Text near the center of the line gives the line length in view coordinates.
Query points are removed by clicking to select them, and pressing delete. It is also possible to clear all query points (through a separate menu function).
Briefly, other tools planned for future incorporation into OpenEV are:
The OpenEV facilities can be used in a variety of applications. Most of these share some functionality, and therefore can benefit from a library of common user interface elements. This section describes sample elements, written largely in Python, which interact with OpenEV.
The layer control dialog provides the user with a list of layers associated with a view area, and provides some controls to manipulate the layers, and the ability to launch layer-specific properties panels. Layer manipulation functions accessible via the layer control dialog, or layer-specific properties panels include:
The toolbar dialog is a simple button box widget connected to a OpenEV toolbox tool. The user changes the currently active tool with this dialog.
A general on-line help system, based on HTML formatted help pages, is available for OpenEV application development. Providing access to help is the responsibility of the application, but is normally provided in a drop down menu. Help pages are viewed through a user configurable external web browser.
Applications use the python gvhtml.LaunchHTML() to display help or other web pages.
In order to enable printing, the GvViewArea has the ability to render its contents at an arbitrary resolution, providing the resulting raster RGB data to application callbacks. Particular mechanisms are built on this to write the result to PostScript, or any GDAL supported raster format.
The rendering mechanism is invoked by the gv_view_area_render_to_func() function, which takes a view to render, a resolution and a callback to provide the data to. The rendering is accomplished by altering the view port and rendering into the backbuffer of the GvViewArea. This is fetched by using the glReadPixels() call to fetch the result back from the back buffer.
One downside to this approach is that on eight or sixteen bit display systems, the resulting rendering is normally done at the color resolution of the visual. Also, it appears some GL implementations (such as the 1999 Linux NVidia drivers) don't support glReadPixels(). However, the greatest limitation with this architecture is that text, and vector graphics are rendered at the same resolution as the raster data rather than being transported in descriptive form to be rendered by the printer at it's best resolution.
For higher resolution renderings the region to render is split into smaller tiles matching the size of the viewport, and the result reassembled for output.
Currently output drivers exist for PostScript (gv_view_area_print_postscript_to_file()) and GDAL supported raster formats such as TIFF and PNG (gv_view_area_print_to_file()). In time it is expected to implement support for a few other common outputs such as HPGL and writing directly to MS Windows printer drivers.
This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 98.1p1 release (March 2nd, 1998)
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