WMS Tool for OpenEV

The purpose of this tool is to give OpenEV access to WMS services. This is a beta version.
wmstool.py (v1.07b, 09/14/2005)
As it is a Tool, put it in the tools directory.

Before using it from OpenEV, run it from the command line. This will create the wms directory structure under OpenEV's root where the cache dir and the data files will reside. This will also create two service entries. You have to be connected to the Internet for this to work, as it will send a GetCapabilities request to the servers. If all goes well, you should have globe.digitalearth.gov/GLOBE.xml and wms.jpl.nasa.gov/OnEarth.xml in the services directory. Note that this step is not necessary if you are using FWTools 0.98 and up as the setup is already done.
09/14/05 Important Before upgrading FWTools, backup your wms directory or it will be overwritten. 06/15/05 I have become aware that some USGS services were not set properly in FWTools 0.98... you should redo the setup to make sure all services are available.

There is one default map (True Color Landsat). If you want more preset maps, d/l this file: maps.dat. Note however that you will need to create more service entries for these maps (if it's not already done). The easy way to do this is to d/l services.txt, put it in the tools dir and give it as a parameter to wmstool.py on the command line (ie python wmstool.py services.txt). All the necessary entries will then be created.
06/15/05 If maps.dat cannot be loaded, try converting it to cr only (Mac) or lf only (Linux/Unix).

This page shows the nomenclature used.

Quick Start

Setting up a map:

Adding a new map:

Adding a new service

Tips (for advanced users)

There may be more explanations later if they are required...

If you have any comments (favorable or not!) please post them on the OpenEV's discussion list.
Thank you and enjoy!

Last modified: September 14th, 2005